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(TMMLS027) Garnet (Pseudomorphed (replace) by hematite) with Bixbyite, Topaz and Feldspar Location: Thomas Range, Juab Co., Utah. BOX03


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Garnet (Pseudomorphed (replace) by hematite) with Bixbyite, Topaz and Feldspar ? Location: Thomas Range, Juab Co., Utah. Miniature (see photo for more details). Here we have another rare and unusual mineral specimen from the famous Thomas Range, Utah. This is a most interesting crystal of garnet! It originally formed as a spessartine garnet early on in Rhyolite and was later pseudomorphed (replaced) by a combination of hematite, quartz and topaz. The garnet is mostly made up of hematite forming on the surface. The lighter colored ?grains? that can be seen on the garnet surface are small quartz crystals. The original garnet forms (mostly the trapazoheral form) are still very sharp and can still be clearly seen. This size and quality garnet pseudomorph crystals are very rare.